GO! is one of Germany's 650 best employers

GO! Express & Logistics is one of "Germany's Best Employers 2022" in the field of 'Transport and Logistics' and the only CEP logistics provider in the category.
In the current major study on the reputation of employers by the magazine stern and the market research company Statista, more than 50,000 employees were asked via professional online panels whether they could recommend their own company and companies in their sector as employers.
The 650 highest-rated companies were included in the ranking. They are all above the average.
All companies with at least 500 employees in Germany could be evaluated. In addition, at least 100 assessments per employer had to be submitted by their own employees or employees of other companies in the same sector. The companies themselves could not apply for the survey. A total of 1.1 million evaluations were used for the study. The survey took place between 24 June and 9 August.
More about the methodology can be read in Stern, issue no. 4, edition of 20 January 2022.
Source: https://www.stern.de/wirtschaft/job/arbeitgeber-ranking--verkehr-und-logistik-31551588.html, last accessed on 4 January 2022, 4.15 p.m.