GDP-compliant shipping with GO!
Safe, fast and reliable when it comes to pharmaceutical transport: GO! Express & Logistics has been certified as compliant with Good Distribution Practice (GDP).

The shipment of medicines is a sensitive matter – after all, it is a matter of patient safety. The Bonn-based express and courier service provider was recently certified as compliant with the guidelines for Good Distribution Practice (GDP) for medicinal products for human use, confirming that it meets the comprehensive requirements of GDP. ‘The healthcare sector is one of our core industries, and especially when it comes to vital drugs such as patient-specific medications or cytostatics, it is a matter of course for us to comply with the strict transport regulations,’ says Ulrich Nolte, managing director of GO! Germany. The GDP certificate creates trust among customers who can rely on their shipments being in safe hands.
Strict specifications – intensive audits under corona conditions
The company had already aligned its processes to comply with the amendment to GDP in 2013 and had had them checked in the course of the annual ISO audits since then – this is now to be supplemented by a dedicated review of all GDP-relevant processes. After a six-week preparation period and audit difficulties relating to the Covid-19 pandemic, the certificate of compliance is now available and confirms that the requirements have been implemented as specified in the guidelines – including for personnel, transport, documentation and of course quality management.
The GDP certificate is subject to an annual review and is valid for three years – not only in Germany, but in almost all European countries where GO! is represented.