Species-appropriate transport of live animals? GO! Animal shipping

The transport of live animals is one of the most demanding tasks for a logistics company. In addition to specific, officially approved procedures, highly trained experts are required here. At GO! you work together with such professionals. From the first call to the arrival at the destination.

Note: The commissioning of animal transports is only possible by commercial clients.

Your advantages

  • shortest transport times for the welfare of the animals: collected in the evening - delivered in the morning
  • Extensively trained personnel with the necessary expertise
  • Proactive feedback in the event of delivery obstacles for immediate coordination of the further course of action
  • Defined emergency plans as well as contact lists of the responsible veterinary authorities, veterinarians and reception facilities per station for taking appropriate measures as quickly as possible in the event of unforeseen incidents.
  • Provision of replacement packaging in the event of an emergency

Through these precautions, we achieve the highest possible protection of the animals during transport. Of course, GO! is approved according to VO (EC) 1 / 2005 (Regulation on the Protection of Animals during Transport) and is therefore subject to official monitoring.



  • Reptiles: e.g. lizards, snakes
  • Amphibians: e.g. frogs, toads
  • Ornamental / aquarium fish: e.g. koi, goldfish


  • Cnidarians: e.g. corals, sea anemones
  • Molluscs: e.g. mussels, squid
  • Echinoderms: e.g. starfish, sea urchins
  • Hymenoptera: e.g. bees, bumblebees
  • Spider-like animals: e.g. spiders, scorpions
  • Worms: e.g. annelids, girdle worms


  • Other vertebrates (esp. mammals, birds / poultry and edible fish)
  • Live food
  • Animals that are dangerous to humans due to physical strength, venom or behaviour
  • Animals subject to species protection

Stempel mit Inschrift "Wichtiger Hinweis"

The reliability of the logistics company is one of the most important factors in the live animal trade. Our customers need trust, especially during the delivery period, because this is when the risk of something happening to the fish is greatest. We are pleased to have found a shipping partner in GO! that meets our high standards. 

- Laurent Seyller, Head of MasterFisch